Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen - November 2022 | Page 11


Golf and Cornhole
Save by registering for both events !
$ 325 each
Foursome Golf and Foursome Cornhole
$ 1,100 each
Cornhole Tournament
$ 150 each
Cigar Bar Sponsor
Sponsor will be recognized on all event signage , on promotional materials , and in the Ditchmen .
$ 1,500 each
Presidents Cup Golf Tournament
Foursome and Tee Box Sponsorship
Save $ 150
Golfing Survival Bag
Includes 4 free throws , mulligans , free “ throw & kick ” tickets , snacks , golf towel , sleeve of golf balls , and drink tickets .
Golf Tournament 4 Free Throws
Hole-in-One Sponsorship
Sponsors will be recognized on signage located at the registration desk and at the luncheon following the tournament and on the website .. The “ Holein-One ” Sponsor will also be permitted to display their company ’ s promotional items at the event and will be recognized in all promotional mailings and in the Ditchmen . Sponsors also receive two complimentary golf registrations .
Bloody Mary Bar Sponsor
Sponsor will be recognized on signage at President ’ s Cup event , on promotional materials , on the website and in the Ditchmen .
Golf Beverage Cart Sponsorship
Sponsorship will be recognized on the beverage cart , at the registration desk , on promotional materials , on the website and in the Ditchmen .
Foursome Golf Only
$ 250 each
$ 1,000 each
$ 50 each
$ 25 each
$ 2,500 each
$ 2,000 each
$ 1,500 each
$ 800 each
Eagle Sponsorship
Sponsors will be recognized on signage at the registration desk , at the luncheon following the tournament , on all promotional mailings , on the website and in the Ditchmen .
Birdie Sponsorship
Sponsors will be recognized on signage at the registration desk , at the luncheon following the tournament and in the Ditchmen .
Cornhole Sponsorship
Sponsor will be recognized on signage at the Cornhole event registration desk , on promotional materials and in the Ditchmen magazine .
Par Sponsorship
Sponsors will be recognized on signage at the registration desk , at the luncheon following the tournament and in the Ditchmen .
Longest Putt Sponsorship
Sponsors will be recognized on signage located at the registration desk , on the skills contest sheet and in the Ditchmen .
Closest-to-the-Pin Sponsorship
Sponsors will be recognized on signage located at the registration desk , on the skills contest sheet and in the Ditchmen .
Longest Drive Sponsorship
Sponsors will be recognized on signage located at the registration desk , on the skills contest sheet and in the Ditchmen .
Sponsorship : Tee Box
Sponsors will be recognized on signage located at a designated tee box .
Advocacy Contribution
Keep us at the table in Tallahassee , advocating for your industry issues !
$ 1,000 each
$ 500 each
$ 500 each
$ 400 each
$ 275 each
$ 275 each
$ 275 each
$ 250 each
$ 50 each
Questions ? Contact Kari Hebrank or Rebecca Brown at 850-224-1585 or email khebrank @ carltonfields . com .