President ’ s Award
This year ’ s recipient of the President ’ s Award goes to one of the most deserving members of NUCA of Florida for their exemplary support of the state association and their local Chapter . Always the first to generously sponsor and register for the local clay shoot , fishing tournament or other special event , these folks also invite and pay for fellow members and potential members to join the Chapter outings . Never one to miss a meeting , they have also held multiple leadership roles within their Chapter since its inception and have risen up the ranks in the state association leadership with both a father and son ultimately serving as President .
Likewise , their generosity knows no boundaries as this team financially and in-person supports every NUCA of Florida event as well , including Legislative Days , the Andrew Scott Johnson Memorial Scholarship Bass Tournament , the Annual Conference and the President ’ s Cup , even though they aren ’ t really golfers . Moreover , they are the first to stroke a check to NUCA of Florida ’ s Advocacy Fund and their local delegation to ensure Florida ’ s lawmakers are industry-friendly . Furthermore , they were the brain trust behind our “ Bidding for Benjamins ” campaign to grow our political war chest and continue to promote the program .
Additionally , this team ’ s involvement in both the legislative and regulatory arena on behalf of the state association is unsurpassed . Whether it is testifying before a committee in the House of Representatives , speaking before the
Pictured L-R , President Mike Kivlin , Jordan Lee , Jill Lee and Bill Lee ; not pictured , Randy Lee .
Construction Industry Licensing Board or attending the Sunshine 811 meetings , these folks are the first to volunteer and represent the industry with integrity and acumen .
Perhaps their greatest contribution to the state association is that they are adept at mentoring others and willing to share their expertise about the latest advances in the underground utility industry and best business practices . Moreover , they value the relationships and friendships they have formed within the state association and genuinely care about the NUCA of Florida family and the sustainability of the state association .
It is my honor and privilege to present this year ’ s coveted President ’ s Award to Bill , Jordan and Randy Lee of Utility Service Company .