Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen - November 2019 | Page 10
Revamping the
Clean Water State
Revolving Loan Fund
on the Horizon?
The Delegation by A majority of the Florida
delegation believes the Clean
Peter Schorsch
Water State Revolving Fund
(CWSRF) needs revamping to
ensure ample funding for water
quality projects in Florida. A letter
led by St. Augustine Republican
Michael Waltz to the leadership of
the House House Transportation
and Infrastructure Committee,
and signed by 15 members of the
delegation, requested an update
on the formula CWSRF uses for
water allocation.
“The inadequacy of the allotment,
as illustrated in the Environmental
Protection Agency’s (EPA) 2016
report to Congress, Review of the
Allotment of the Clean Water State
Revolving Fund (Report), restricts
states like Florida from addressing
serious water quality needs,’’
the members wrote. “We seek
your cooperation to modernize
the allotment in any legislation
that amends the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act.”
The CWSRF, established in 1987,
provides states with an annual
allotment for low-interest financing
of local water infrastructure
projects. Included are projects
on wastewater systems and
their treatment facilities,
stormwater management, and
estuary projects, among others.
Additionally, the CWSRF’s method
for the determination of state
allocations has not been updated
since its enactment in 1987.
According to a 2016 Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) report
to Congress, the method does
not adequately reflect changes in
population, nor does it meet the
needs of most states.
The CWSRF, established in 1987,
provides states with an annual
allotment for low-interest financing
of local water infrastructure
projects. Included are projects
on wastewater systems and their
treatment facilities, stormwater
management, and estuary projects,
among others.