to help develop a final standard for infrastructure projects funded with Federal financial assistance under “ Build America , Buy America .”
Their questions , as relayed to NUCA by the White House , are :
A . What industry materials and specialized parts ( such as pipes , valves , fitting , etc .) are being affected by the infrastructure law ’ s “ Buy American ” requirements for construction materials ? Lists of materials / components are what the White House is seeking to understand this issue .
B . What supply chain issues are affecting your infrastructure projects today , and how are the “ Buy American ” regulations affecting their progress or completion ?
There are two ways you can help NUCA get this information to them :
2 . File an official public comment letter yourself answering these two questions . You can file your letter online at regulations . gov . To do so , please go to the government regulation website and click the comment button on the webpage . Please email a copy of any submissions to our government affairs team (
zack @ wymanassociates . net ) for their records .
The deadline for filing this information is 11:59 p . m . ET , Monday , June 6 , 2022 .
NUCA will use the industry ’ s information to seek waivers from the “ Buy American ” rules for these products . Your answers are vital to the industry .
1 . Send this information to NUCA ’ s government affairs lobbyist Zack Perconti via email ( zack @ wymanassociates . net ) by June 5 , 2022 . We will forward this to the White House via our official comment letter . Any information submitted later than that time may not be included in our official public comments , but may be passed along to the White House at a later time .