Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen - March 2024(clone) | Page 15

actions are expanding potential benefits . In 2022 , there were 844 state and federal bills that would affect workers ’ comp , and 243 proposed workers ’ comp-related regulations .
From another angle , the involvement of attorneys in a claim can push for wider compensability , as they will seek to get the most for their client . Litigation , on the whole , can drive up claim expenses . One study found that litigated workers ’ comp claims were 388 % more expensive than non-litigated claims , and took 195 % longer to close .
In the face of these large economic and societal trends , individual contractors may feel overwhelmed . But there are steps to take to get out in front of workers ’ comp claims :
■ Invest in safety . The best way to manage claims is to avoid them in the first place . And that starts with preventing injuries on the job-site . Ensure your workers have the proper training and equipment , and that you work to eliminate as many hazards as possible from the workplace .
■ Understand your crews . Get to know your workers ’ individual limitations . Don ’ t put them in a position that can risk injury . If a worker does get hurt , stay engaged with them throughout their treatment and recovery by showing concern for their health and keeping lines of communication open .
■ Hold subcontractors accountable . Make sure your subs have adequate workers ’ comp insurance for their own workers . If not , you ’ ll be generally responsible for any claims filed on their behalf . The result ? Higher premiums , more likely than not .
■ Trust the experts . You ’ re focused on construction , not healthcare . Work with insurers that have partnerships with providers that can help manage your workers ’ health . Plus , don ’ t overlook the value of a seasoned adjuster which can help speed the process and make it more cost-efficient .