Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen - June 2020 | Page 38
2020 NUCANF Fishing Tournament Sponsorship Opportunities
_____ $1,000 Raffle Sponsor (Limit one)
Your company name will be prominently displayed on a sign at the event; your company logo will appear on the
T-shirt and you will be acknowledged at the awards dinner that evening and your company will be recognized in
the NUCANF newsletter, The Flow, and the state association publication, The Ditchmen. A complimentary full
page ad will also appear in the October or November 2020 Flow Newsletter.
______ $500 Grand Prize Sponsor (limited to one spot)
Your company name will be prominently displayed on a sign at the event; your company logo will appear on the
T-shirt and you will be acknowledged at the awards dinner that evening and your company will be recognized in
the NUCANF newsletter, The Flow, and the state association publication, The Ditchmen. A complimentary 1/2
page ad will also appear in the October or November 2020 Flow Newsletter. You may also have a vendor
display at the awards dinner.
______$500 Dinner Sponsor (limited to four spots)
Same benefits as grand prize sponsor.
______$500 Weigh-in Sponsor (limited to one spot)
Same benefits as door prize sponsor.
______$300 Door Prize Sponsor
Your company name will be prominently displayed on a sign at the event; your company logo will appear on the
T-shirt and you will be acknowledged at the awards dinner that evening and your company will be recognized in
the NUCANF newsletter, The Flow, and the state association publication, The Ditchmen. A complimentary ¼
page ad will also appear in the October or November 2020 Flow Newsletter.
______$300 Registration Sponsor (Limited to one spot)
Same benefits as door prize sponsor.
______$300 Trophy Sponsor (Limit one)
Same benefits as door prize sponsor
______$300 Kid’s Prize Sponsor (limited to one spot)
Same benefits as door prize sponsor
Company Name: ___________________________ Your Name: _________________________________
Payment: _____ Check (NUCANF) _____ Bill my account ______ Charge credit card*
Visa/MC/AX: __________________________ Exp Date: _______ V-Code: _________
Billing Zip Code________________________
(The V-Code is the last three digits in the signature strip on the back of the credit card
(Visa/Mastercard) or the digits on the front on the card for American Express.
Name on card: __________________________________________________
*A 5% processing fee will be added to all credit card charges.
Return with payment to: NUCANF, PO Box 16810, Jacksonville, FL 32245