Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen - July 2023 | Page 10

NUCA FL Conference

Close to 200 participants gathered at the Ritz Carlton Sarasota July 20-23 for the 2023 NUCA of Florida Annual Conference . Thursday was filled with the Executive Committee , Board of Directors , Chapter Directors , Golf Committee and Advocacy Committee getting down to business to do the work of the state association . Members of NUCA National ’ s Executive Committee also held a meeting and joined NUCA of Florida members at the Welcome Reception Thursday evening where members could enjoy the “ Soul of the South ” appetizers of shrimp and grits , chicken and waffles with a blueberry compote and pulled pork sliders on biscuits along with an adult beverage of their choice . Friday morning kicked off with a plated breakfast followed by the Construction Industry Forum . Alan McMillan , former Deputy Director of OSHA was on hand to give compliance tips to contractors to avoid penalties and limit liability if an OSHA inspection were to occur . Next , President of Ajax Paving , Vince Hafeli gave a poignant presentation about mental health and suicide prevention in construction , sharing his own personal journey and his goal to get all construction companies to recognize the danger signs and demonstrate a more caring community . NUCA of Florida ’ s lobbyist shared the key legislation impacting the underground utility industry that passed the 2023 Regular Session , including NUCA of Florida ’ s priority legislation relating to prompt payment and bid procurement . The attendees were then treated to a scrumptious lunch buffet during the Awards Luncheon before the Board of Directors were sworn-in by NUCA National President Tom Butler ,
Petticoat Schmitt . The Board recognized Chapter Director of Central Florida , Karen DeWitt with an inscribed glass vase and a gift of money for her 30 years of selfless dedicated service to the industry . Next , the Performance Award winners were announced by incoming President Penny Danielecki with Kevin McLaughlin , Rowland Inc ., earning the Mitch Ellington Award ; Valinda Krynicki winning the Gary D . Sawyer Award ; and Clark Cryer took home the Andrew J . Mayts Award . Becky Antico , wife of Joe Antico , presented Joe ’ s legacy and the creation of the Joe Antico Service Award before announcing the winners for the 2023 awards which went to Vince Hafeli , Ajax for the individual award and Petticoat Schmitt for the company award . Attendees gathered together Friday afternoon for a Happy Hour and the Kids ’ Scavenger Hunt , enjoying a very large charcuterie board and cool beverages . Lastly , after a day enjoying the pool , the beach , St . Armand ’ s and the Ringling Museum , attendees joined together to congratulate the Distinguished High School Recipient , Trevor Turnquist with his parents Scott and Jill in attendance . Trevor earned a $ 7500 scholarship for his academic acumen . A delectable buffet dinner and dancing following the Scholarship Reception where the members were eagerly “ Putting on the Ritz .” Be sure to check out the photos and the articles detailing our extraordinary award winners and the scholarship winners . Finally , our conference would not be a success without the sponsors , exhibitors and those that generously donated to our Silent Auction and Basket Raffle — our gratitude to you all is unmeasured .