Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen - July 2022(clone) | Page 5

“ We do not have government by the majority . We have government by the majority who participate .”

President ’ s Message

provided the resources to get the results to strengthen our industry .
This will be the final President ’ s message you will read before you get the opportunity to exercise your constitutional right , cast your vote ! At this time , we would like to entrust that we as an organization have done our due diligence in evaluating the candidates , our future and current leaders , and we have fully committed to support our industry- friendly candidates to our best capacity and
Now is where I will reach out to the members . NUCA of Florida works for you , but this is where we need our members most . Get out and make sure you VOTE ! The stage is set , and this is when the efforts pay off . Please make sure you make a point to let your and other members ’ voices be heard . As you read this , STOP , make a calendar reminder the day before the election ( if you haven ’ t early voted ) to make arrangements and get to the polls on Tuesday , November 8th , 2022 . Better yet , remind some of your fellow members . One of the most difficult things we do is making sure we show up . Even though this is a midterm election , generally the number of registered voters is less than that of a presidential election cycle . This is something you can do to benefit our industry for free ! 1
Go Vote !
That is this message ’ s challenge . I have left you with quotes recently with the intent they come from many different perspectives . Hopefully they provide benefit . The following stood out to me .

“ We do not have government by the majority . We have government by the majority who participate .”