Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen - July 2022(clone) | Page 16

Our Featured Keynote Speaker : Aaron Witt , CEO of BuildWitt

NUCA ’ s Premiere Safety Event : Safety & Damage Prevention Conference

Join the nation ’ s construction safety experts at the upcoming Safety / Damage Prevention Conference . Our November 17-18 event offers utility construction safety management the chance to hear from top industry professionals on a wide variety of topics impacting the industry . It ’ s also the go-to event to network with other industry safety managers from across the country .
This year ’ s conference also provides a unique opportunity to address and strategize how members can better navigate the complex damage prevention issues in our industry . We want you in Denver this November . Register today !

Our Featured Keynote Speaker : Aaron Witt , CEO of BuildWitt

Aaron Witt is the selfproclaimed “ Chief Dirt Nerd ” and CEO of BuildWitt , a services , media , and software business focused on the infrastructure and mining industries . He started the company four years ago after studying engineering and working for companies like Kiewit and Skanska . On a mission to “ make the Dirt World a better place ,” BuildWitt is working to inspire the next generation , modernize how blue-collar companies invest in their people , and educate society on what it takes to meet their basic needs .