funded by Federal financial assistance to be produced in the United States . DOT is seeking input on the requirement as applied to construction materials : how the requirement should be interpreted and implemented , the present availability of construction materials produced in the United States that are commonly used in transportation infrastructure projects , and the potential impacts to DOT-funded projects .
DATES : Written submissions must be received by [ INSERT DATE 21 DAYS AFTER PUBLICATION IN THE FEDERAL REGISTER ]. DOT will consider comments received after this date to the extent practicable .
ADDRESSES : Please submit any written comments to Docket Number DOT- OST-2022-0047 electronically through the Federal eRulemaking Portal at https :// regulations . gov . Go to https :// regulations . gov and select “ Department of Transportation ( DOT )” from the agency menu to submit or view public comments . Note that , except as provided below , all submissions received , including any personal information provided , will be posted without change and will be available to the public on https :// www . regulations . gov . You may review DOT ’ s complete Privacy Act Statement in the Federal Register published on April 11 , 2000 ( 65 FR 19477 ) or at https :// www . transportation . gov / privacy . This document is scheduled to be published in the Federal Register on 07 / 28 / 2022 and available online at federalregister . gov / d / 2022-16151 , and on govinfo . gov
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT : For questions about this RFI , please contact Darren Timothy , Office of the Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy , at darren . timothy @ dot . gov or ( 202 ) 366-4051 ; Jason
Luebbers , Federal Transit Administration , at jason . luebbers @ dot . gov or ( 202 ) 366-8864 ; Lauren Gill , Maritime Administration , at lauren . gill @ dot . gov or ( 202 ) 366-2150 ; John Johnson , Federal Railroad Administration , at john . johnson @ dot . gov or ( 202 ) 493- 0078 ; Patrick Smith , Federal Highway Administration , at patrick . c . smith @ dot . gov or ( 202 ) 366-1345 ; or Carlos Fields , Federal Aviation Administration , at carlos . fields @ faa . gov or ( 202 ) 267-8826 .
Here are the specific questions in the RFI :
( 1 ) In addition to those construction materials identified by OMB , are there specific materials , products , or categories of materials or products that are commonly used in DOT-funded projects that should be included as “ construction materials ” for the purpose of BABA implementation ?
( 2 ) Are there materials used in DOT-funded projects that do not clearly fit in any one of the three categories : steel and iron ; manufactured products ; or construction materials ? How should DOT assign them to one of these statutory categories ?
( 3 ) Are there items that DOT agencies currently treat as manufactured products that should instead , under the OMB Initial Implementation Guidance , be treated as construction materials ?
( 4 ) Based on the definition of “ all manufacturing processes ” in the OMB Initial Implementation Guidance , what do you consider “ the final manufacturing process ” and the “ immediately preceding manufacturing stage ” for common goods used in DOT funded projects in each category of construction material listed in the OMB Initial Implementation Guidance or any other category you identify in response