President ’ s Message
As I write this newsletter , we are approaching the NUCA of Florida 42nd Annual Conference . Looking at the numbers it appears we will have a strong showing in participation , sponsorships and exhibitors . As I look back on some of the articles we have had in the past Ditchmen , I can ’ t help but think , “ What a wonderful , hardworking , enduring group of members we have .” There has been everything but uncertainty in what the economic future holds , not just for our industry , but the economy as a whole . Despite that , the members of NUCA of Florida continue to put their nose to the grindstone and move forward . It hasn ’ t been easy . Many , if not all of us , have had to come up with creative solutions , manage strained supply lines , strained relationships , and innovative ways of mitigating the economic and industry wide turbulence . We keep grinding . It ’ s who we are .
Part of the reason we have weathered this widespread economic turbulence better here in Florida than other states , is the leadership we have elected and the business-friendly environment and policies they have supported . Now that the conference is over , it ’ s time to go to work again . This month ’ s Ditchmen challenge is to get with your Chapter leadership and discuss what policies we can foster to forward our industry and identify what restrictions or regulations are prohibitive to advancing our industry . There are still troubled times ahead . We have an opportunity in the coming months to influence the upcoming instability by being
proactive and fostering an environment more advantageous than we have today .
By the time you read this the State Conference will be over . Hopefully , all who attended had an opportunity to take part in the many informative presentations , forums , networking opportunities and took an opportunity to meet with the 24 exhibitors to see what is cutting edge in our industry . Congratulations to the top Andrew Scott Johnson Memorial Scholarship winners , Distinguished High School Recipient , Daniel Kleisley , and Distinguished College Recipient Cate Alvaro . In the coming weeks the full distribution of the scholarship funds and subsequent winners will be published .
Our next NUCA of Florida Board meeting will be at the President ’ s Cup golf tournament . The sole purpose of this event is to raise advocacy funds . So far we have had a successful year raising money for advocacy . I am not asking for funds now , ( I will start again in the next Ditchmen ) but I am asking all Chapters to come up with two ideas that will impact our industry in a positive way that we can bring to our state representatives to make our industry better and benefit our members . I am asking that the amazing Chapter Executive Directors bring those two ( or more !) ideas to be discussed so that we may continue to impact our members in a positive way .
No one says what we do is easy . The good things never are .
“ They say it takes hardship boy , To let you love the rest , Sometimes underneath the load , Is where I show my best , Go , put your work clothes on , Go and leave your mark ” WSP
Clark Cryer , President NUCA of Florida