Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen - July 2022 | Page 11

Implementation Guidance sufficiently clear to enable a bidder or offeror for a DOTfunded project to certify the construction materials to be used in the project are produced in the United States ? If not , what further clarification is needed ?
( 12 ) Are there construction materials commonly used in DOT-funded projects for which suppliers or manufacturers cannot readily determine or trace the country of origin of the final manufacturing process and the immediately preceding manufacturing stage ? Are there records or documentation already in use that could serve as evidence of the origin of these to manufacturing processes ( e . g ., country of origin documentation , mill markings , quality control tracking )? that will be experienced on DOT-funded projects as a result of a specific construction material supply constraint . Is the constraint on domestic supply a recent phenomenon ( i . e ., beginning in 2020 or later ), or is it a longstanding market condition ?
( 16 ) Are there construction materials commonly used in DOT-funded projects that previously were not produced in the United States but are currently produced in the United States or are in the process of “ onshoring ” as a result of recent statutory , regulatory , or market changes ?
( 13 ) Are there any construction materials commonly used in DOT-funded projects that are known not to be produced in the United States based on OMB ’ s final manufacturing process and the immediately preceding manufacturing stage standard , or are known not to be produced in sufficient quantity or of satisfactory quality ? What is the basis for that knowledge ?
( 14 ) Which construction materials commonly used in DOT-funded projects currently are produced in the United States in sufficient and reasonably available amount and of satisfactory quality ? Please feel free to provide any additional information on how production of these construction materials in the United States supports the regional or local economy or workforce .
( 15 ) Are there construction materials commonly used in DOT-funded projects that are produced in the United States but subject to supply constraints ? Please be specific regarding lead times or delays