Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen • July 2017 | Page 7
President’s Message
President Jordan Lee,
Utility Service Company
I would like to first say thank
you for allowing me the
opportunity to be a part of
this great organization. I will
do everything I can to keep
this train moving in the right
Luckily the economy seems
to have been in a recovery
mode across the state, I
hope that your company
and its employees are in
a better place than they
were in the past few years.
Let’s try to focus a little
bit of that recovery on the
organization. Please-give to
the PAC. We all know that
money talks, and without a
fully funded PAC, we won’t
have a very strong voice.
NUCA of Florida needs
you to survive. Seeing that
you are taking the time to
read this, it shows that you
are much more than “just a
member”. You have taken
time out of your schedule
to be a part of NUCA of
Florida and to be involved,
and we know time is money,
and everything is expensive
except the cost of laying
pipe. Please, at every event
you can, be a sponsor on
some level. Not everyone
can be as fortunate to be
able to be an upper tier
sponsor on everything, but
I truly believe that every
company can be an entry
level sponsor on an event.
Every dollar you give helps
make this association
stronger, and on a local
level, gives your local
chapter more power.
Please participate - NUCA of
Florida and its local chapters
hold many awesome
events. The Presidents
Cup and the Andrew Scott
Johnson Memorial Bass
Tournament are two ways
to help boost the state
association, and every
local chapter has a fishing
or golf tournament, clay
shoot, or family event you
and your company can be
a part of. We greatly value
each and every member
we have, and without
our existing membership
we wouldn’t have the
strong base we have-but
to keep the origination
strong, we have to get new
members. Please do your
part in recruiting, you never
know who could benefit
most from what we as an
association have to offer,
but I can guarantee every
person in our industry is
benefiting in one way or
anotherfrom the fruits of
our labor. Let’s get these
people to be members!
In closing, I would like to
propose a challenge to all