Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen - February 2022 | Page 5

President ’ s Message

NUCA of Florida had a very successful trip to Tallahassee for Legislative Days . I think I can speak for most of us in saying , it ’ s great to be back for in person visits . It is nice not traveling however , I think we are able to communicate our message much more clearly and effectively when we ’ re sitting in front of our representatives . Although , we at NUCA of Florida did not have any specific legislation that we introduced we did have several bills that affect our industry . We as NUCA of Florida and our individual chapters were able to inform our representatives of our positions for the betterment of our industry . I would like to complement and thank Kari and her team on the professional brochures they put together . I heard several comments and compliments on how well we presented our perspective and how professional we appeared . Not bad for some ditch diggers in sport coats ! We had a great turn out this year . Thank you to all of those that made the trip to deliver our message . Hopefully , all who attended this year can bring an extra person with them next year . Additionally , I would like to thank all the sponsors as you assist in making our message effective . I see you at the Bass Tournament and as always , thank you to all our members and supporters . I am proud of the great people I work with at NUCA of Florida and blessed for the great members we serve . Thank You Florida !
Clark Cryer , President NUCA of Florida