President ’ s Message
NUCA of Florida Members ,
I hope this note finds you all safe and well and having a productive first quarter . With the Spring season comes an optimistic outlook as the weather warms up , flowers bloom and the air of starting “ fresh ” is all around .
We at NUCA FL are starting “ fresh ” with our Virtual Legislative Days slated for March 22-26 . Chapter directors will schedule meetings with your state representatives and senators and NUCA FL will have key lawmakers participate on March 22 for everyone to hear .
We also will begin our weekly legislative calls beginning March 5th — feel free to call-in to hear what your advocacy team is doing to protect the industry and your business .
On the horizon as Spring turns to summer , we have our “ 40 + 1 ” Anniversary Annual Conferece at the luxurious Ritz Carlton in Naples slated for June 17-19 . Registration for this event is now open online at www . nucaflorida . org . We will have a luncheon recognizing all Past Presidents on Friday at the event , so if you have contact information on these leaders , please let the NUCA FL staff know . This year we are offering more exhibitor time with an extra Happy Hour on Friday night and your Conference Committee is busy planning fun activities for the entire family on Saturday before the Scholarship reception and Awards Dinner .
We know what a challenging year 2020 was for all and we look forward to a fresh start in 2021 and hope to see you involved in your state association .
Onward ,
Mike Kivlin President NUCA of Florida