Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen • February 2018 | Page 9
President’s Message
President Jordan Lee,
Utility Service Company
Welcome to March!
We’re coming up on
the end of the first
quarter of 2018 and I
hope things are going
great for you and
your company! To
those who sponsored
and partic ipated in
the ASJ Bass Fishing
Tournament, thank you
for your support! Not
only was there terrific
weather, it was a great
time had by all!
I have been receiving a
few requests for visits
to each chapter and
am looking forward
to seeing everyone!
I’ll be a little tied up
next month with the
upcoming birth of
our second son, but I
promise I’ll be coming
to a meeting or event
for each chapter.
While we are on that,
how are your new
members looking?
Have you been talking
to any new potential
members about NUCA
of FL? Every time you
don’t speak up, it is a
missed opportunity. To
recap this first quarter-
we have begun the
2018 Bidding for
Benjamin’s campaign;
Legislative Days was a
great success and our
Legislative priorities
are positioned to
pass and the CILB
decided not to offer a
trenchless license. The
Andrew Scott Johnson
Memorial Bass Fishing
Tournament had a
great turnout and
raised a lot of money
for the scholarship
fund, and I’m sure
there are a handful
more things that I can’t
Please check out the
links for the annual
meeting at Ocean Reef,
and sign up! It’s going
to be a great time at a
beautiful location!
Thank you all again for
all the hard work you
are putting in to make
this association the
best it can be!
• • •
Jordan Lee
during the