OSHA Promoting Workplace Anti-Retaliation Programs
via Trailer / Body Builders ( 01 / 17 )
The U . S . Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA ) has issued the final Recommended Practices for Anti-Retaliation Programs to help employers create workplaces where workers feel comfortable voicing their concerns without fear of retaliation . The recommendations are intended for all public- and private-sector employers covered by the 22 whistleblower protection laws that OSHA enforces and are adaptable to most workplaces . The document outlines five key elements of an effective anti-retaliation program : management leadership , commitment , and accountability ; system for listening to and resolving employees ’ safety and compliance concerns ; system for receiving and responding to reports of retaliation ; anti-retaliation training for employees and managers ; and program oversight . “ These recommended practices will provide companies with the tools to create a robust antiretaliation program ,” said Jordan Barab , acting assistant secretary of labor for occupational safety and health . “ In the long run , it ’ s good for workers and good for business .” These recommendations are advisory only and do not interpret or create any legal obligations , or alter existing obligations created by OSHA standards or regulations .