Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen - December 2022(clone) | Page 5

President ’ s Message

allowing contractors to bid more work ( FS 255.0992 ), make more products available to use ( 334.179 ), lowering our costs ( FS 215.985 ). I encourage you to look theses up . This is what we do .
Here we are , already the second month of 2023 . People say time flies , but you really don ’ t notice until it ’ s gone . This message is going to be short and sweet . We have a later Legislative Days event this year in April . There is no time like the present to start planning and making an impact . Over the last month I have had the opportunity to discuss with many Florida chapter members about what we actually do at the state level . It ’ s true we have a great golf tournament , and amazing annual conference , ( Don ’ t call it a convention or you owe someone $ 20 ), but the real reason we at the state chapter exist is to make our lives as contractors better . We have assisted in changing and making laws that have bettered our industry by lowered retainage ( FL Statute 255.078 ),
As I look back with time moving so quickly , I can be proud of how well our organization , our board , and our lobbyist have represented our industry . Granted all these benefits I have mentioned above are available to everyone in our industry , it ’ s you the membership that as raised the issue and the money to make an impact for all of us and so many more . I encourage you to put legislative days on your schedule . The people making “ sausage ” are no different than us , and it makes a large impact to let them know if they appreciate modern conveniences like water and using the restroom , among many others , our voice will be heard . I love that we have six very strong chapters across Florida , but as a state organization we have the strongest , largest , and best representation of utility contractors in the Nation . I hope to see y ’ all soon .
“ The law is not so much carved in stone as it is written in water , flowing in and out with the tide .”