Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen • August 2016 | Page 20
workers compensation. Jim
Smith, Arthur J. Gallagher
& Company relayed tips for
employers to help defray
some of the costs of workers
Senator Travis Hutson
was the keynote speaker
at the Awards Luncheon.
He shared that as a state
lawmaker he has a litmus
test for filing and supporting
legislation: “Does it save
taxpayers or consumers
money? Does it reduce
government regulation? Does
it make common sense?”
Senator Hutson shared his
perspective on the Session
and next year’s legislative
Drew Winters and G.W.
Harrell, Deputy Secretaries
for the Dept. of Business &
Professional Regulation also
addressed the attendees
during the luncheon and
even gave out the Secretary’s
office number to encourage
contractors to reach out if
they encounter unlicensed
activity or licensing issues.
Jeff Rumer, Chair of NUCA
National conducted the
installation ceremony for
new officers and board
members. Following the
installation, President Tom
Woodward distributed the
J. Mitch Ellington Award to
Fred Chesney, Sr., President
of Centerline Utilities; the
Gary D. Sawyer Award to
Penny Danielecki; and the
Andrew J. Mayts Award to
Darren Campbell. Lastly,
the President’s Award was
given to a much-deserved
candidate, Kathy Blackman,
Executive Director of NUCA
of Northwest Florida.
The afternoon session
began with an update
on OSHA’s Crystalline
Silica Rule, presented by
OSHA Area Director, Brian
Sturtecky. Brian gave a
thorough presentation on
the construction standard
in the new rule and the new
requirements for contractors.
Finally, Tony Zullo with
McKim & Creed gave an
interesting presentation on
“The Latest & Greatest Tools
of the Trade” showcasing
GPR radar, soft digging,
Vacuum excavation and 3D
underground modeling.
Friday late afternoon and
evening were left open so
that attendees could enjoy
the resort. On Saturday, close
to 50 people participated
in our modified “Beach
Olympics,” trying their luck
at challenging games such
as football toss, trashcan
Frisbee, bocce ball,
badminton, giant Jenga, and
chip-it golf. Plenty of cold
beer, wine, sodas, Gatorade
and water were on hand to
keep the “athletes” hydrated.
Saturday night’s Scholarship
Reception awarded two high
school seniors—Colt Atwell
and Megan Masterson-with $7500 scholarships
and two returning college
students –Emily Johns and
Travis Horn--with $5000
scholarships. A scrumptious
“Olympic-themed Aroundthe-World” dinner of roast
beef, garlic mashed potatoes,
Greek salad, stir fry bar and
pasta bar kept the guests
from going hungry. The
attendees “shopped” at the
Silent Auction, Basket Raffle
and Wine Roulette which
offered great items and all
funds generated benefit
the Association. To keep
with our Olympic theme,
Kathy Blackman concocted
an array of fun, unique
“Olympic-style” games for
the participants to play after
dinner as evidenced by some
of the enclosed photos. A
special thanks and “shout out”
to Kathy for spending hours
planning and preparing for
our Olympic games.
All in all, the 2016 Conference
was a success, in large
part due to our generous
sponsors and exhibitors
as well as the enthusiastic
attendees and Conference
Committee. Be sure to
thank those that did sponsor
or exhibit at this year’s
event—a simple gesture of
appreciation goes a long way.
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