Tell us about the services your company provides .
Vallencourt Construction Co . Inc . is a full site work company . We specialize in building neighborhoods and roads . We begin with the clearing of trees , digging retention ponds , building lots , installing all underground utilities , and finish with building and paving the roads .
What is your business philosophy ?
I believe in doing safe , quality work one time . I believe this is attainable through teamwork and communication . I have always maintained that I can accomplish more with less as long as we work as a cohesive unit and continually communicate with one another .
What are your hobbies or interests outside of work ?
I am an avid reader and enjoy shooting sporting clays .
What is your favorite travel location ?
The Blue Ridge Mountains . I grew up in Virginia about 4 hours east of Blacksburg . As a teenager my friends and I would travel to the mountains on the weekends and go cliff climbing and repelling . Sometimes we would go spelunking or go to watch Va . Tech play football . There is nothing like playing football in the fall with the leaves changing color and the air seems so crisp and clean , except maybe a hayride with a girl you have a crush on at a fall festival .
If you could have dinner with anyone , living or deceased , who would it be and why ?
Jack London . As a boy I really enjoyed reading Jack London ’ s books . I loved the adventure and his portrayal of the relationship between man and K9 . There is something so compelling about betting on yourself and pitting yourself against nature . Who would be a better companion in such a situation then a great dog .
What are you currently reading ?
When I get home in the evenings I am reading a series about Alexander the Great by Christian Cameron . During the day as I drive to different job sites I am listening to an audible version of Watership Down by Richard Adams .
Grill master or reservations ?
Definitely reservations . Hard to beat a good Brazillian Steakhouse .