Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen • April 2017 | Page 29
If that question had you
running out of the room
instead of running to your
computer, chances are
you are not utilizing a fleet
management program
of some sort to help
monitor your fleet. What
am I referring to? Fleet
Management Systems (FMS)
or more commonly known
as Telematics, is a way for a
company to capture real-time
data for a variety of different
risks companies with fleets
face on a day to day basis.
(maintenanc e of vehicles, fuel
usage, most efficient routes,
hard braking, excessive
speed, etc..) What was once
considered the exception
is fast becoming the norm
when discussing “best in
class” fleet management
The increased adoption of
some form of FMS has grown
tremendously over the past
few years as the evolution
of telematics and how it
can help controls costs has
become increasingly more
attractive to businesses
and has helped to warrant
the cost associated with
purchasing an FMS. One
of the most impactful uses
of an FMS that businesses
see, is when it comes to
reducing fleet claims and
controlling their insurance
costs. National commercial
auto loss ratios are some of
the highest out there when
compared to how other lines
have performed. (general
liability, work comp, etc…)
This can be attributed to a
couple of different variables
and includes: accidents,
aggressive underpricing in
years past, increased cost
to repair vehicles due to
advancements in vehicle
technology such as back up
cameras, sensors in bumpers,
as well others.
Moving forward, it may not be
a question of “do I get a credit
for having these systems in
place”, but rather will a carrier
even consider quoting if I
don’t? Not having an FMS
in place may reduce your
company’s attractiveness
in the marketplace and
may affect how competitive
carriers are willing to be.
Having an FMS system in
place may also mitigate
increases in premium from
accidents. Having the info
to know the driver was not
speeding or being able to
pullup a driver report car
to illustrate safe operating
practices, may be the
difference between non-
renewing an account or not.
If your company is already
utilizing some form of
Telematics, it is important to
know what you are getting
and how to maximize the
program you are already
paying for. We work with
our clients to vet the various
companies out there and
communicate to our clients
what they should look for
that will help maximize their
program and have them
viewed in the most favorable
light possible when carriers
are determining whether or
not to provide a commercial
auto quote.
by Mark A. Grimaldi,
Vice President, Bateman,
Gordon & Sands, Inc.
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