the governor released a preemptive list of planned vetoes just days after sine die and indicated his intent to sign the budget into law as soon as he received it. The veto list was far less extensive than lawmakers had feared with the governor signing the budget keeping intact the $256.1 million in line-item vetoes that he had previously released.
Budget Overview
Wastewater Treatment Facility Construction – The budget provides $172.2 million for the construction of wastewater treatment and stormwater management systems, including collection and transmission sewers, reclaimed water systems and a variety of other facilities and activities through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund.
Drinking Water Facility Construction – The budget provides $104 million for the construction of drinking water systems, including treatment, storage and distribution facilities.
Water Projects – The budget provides $61.6 million for local water projects to assist communities in the enhancement of local water resources. The governor did exercise his line-item veto authority by vetoing 60 local projects totaling $20.1 million because they did not provide a clear return for the investment.
Transportation – Since fiscal year 2010-2011, Florida has increased its investment in transportation by $3.1 billion or 45 percent. The budget invests a record $10.8 billion for transportation and fully funds the Department of Transportation's Work Program.
The Transportation budget includes:
$29.5 million for Economic Development Transportation Projects (Road Fund);
$3.9 billion to expand transportation system capacity, which includes adding 255 new lane miles;
$571.5 million for resurfacing more than 2,038 lane miles;
$247.9 million for aviation improvements;
$739.5 million for scheduled repairs of 48 bridges and replacement of 22 bridges; and
$153.9 million in seaport infrastructure improvements.
Legislature Addresses Construction Workforce Shortage
The Florida Legislature addressed the critical shortage of a trained construction workforce this session as they created the Construction Industry Workforce Task Force within the University of Florida M. E. Rinker, Sr., School of Construction Management. The task force was established within this year’s building code bill, HB 535. It specifies the goals and composition of the task force of which NUCA of Florida will have a member. Funding is provided for the task force from the building permit surcharge (Building Code Compliance & Mitigation Program). The governor is expected to sign the bill in to law.
There will be a more detailed final report coming once the governor has taken final action on all on the bills passed during the 2016 Legislative Session. Thank you for the opportunity to once again represent NUCA of Florida before the Florida Legislature.