Ditchmen DEC 2024 | Page 9

New Permitting Timelines Take Effect January 1st
By Kari Hebrank , Carlton Fields
CS / CS / CS / HB 267 relating to permitting passed the House on March 4 , 2024 , was approved by Governor DeSantis on May 16th and becomes effective on January 1 , 2025 . The Florida Building Code ( FBC ) must be applied and enforced uniformly and consistently across the state . Local governments enforce the FBC and are responsible for issuing building permits . Current law provides standards and timeframes for local governments to follow for the issuance of building permits .
The new law requires a local government to approve , approve with conditions , or deny a complete and sufficient permit application within the following timeframes :
30 business days for applicants using local government review for certain structures less than 7,500 square feet , previously set at 120 days ;
60 days for the following applicants using local government review , previously set at 120 days : Certain structures more than 7,500 square feet , Signs , Nonresidential buildings that are less than 25,000 square feet ; Multifamily residential , not exceeding 50 units ; Site-plan approvals and subdivision plats not requiring public hearing or notice ; and Lot grading and site alteration .
12 business days for applicants for a permit under an already-approved master plan permit , currently dependent on the local program , or 30 days for single-family residential dwellings ;
10 business days for applicants for a single-family residential dwelling for a property owner who participates in a Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery program , previously set at 15 days ; and
10 business days for applicants using an engineer or architect private provider who affixes his or her professional seal , previously set at 120 days ;
Requires a local government to determine if a building permit application is complete within 5 business days of receiving the application , previously set at 10 days .
Provides an exception to the fee reduction provision when a delay is caused by the applicant , by a force majeure , or other extraordinary circumstance .
Requires local governments to create certain auditing standards before auditing a private provider .
Requires the Florida Building Commission ( Commission ) to provide an exception relating to sealed drawings for replacement windows , doors , and garages for one-family and two-family homes .
Provides that completing an internship program for residential building inspectors is a pathway for licensure as a residential building inspector .
Provides that the Commission must review certain standards for unvented attics before December 31 , 2024 , and that certain standards will be effective related to such attics on July 1 , 2025 .