District NL D128-NL-Summer18 | Page 6

School News Continued... collaboration occurred when our 4th grade students completed their narrative writing unit, and partnered with the Kindergarten students from Indian Hill to create a Winter story using the ideas gathered from a Skype Chat between the students. With help from Mrs. Lynch and their classroom teachers, the students wrote and illustrated stories, then traveled to Indian Hill to share their stories with their Kindergarten partners. The students enjoyed sharing their ideas and working together. Indian Hill Early Learning Center and Chippewa Elementary School The 2017-18 school year was the second year of free, full-day Kindergarten for all students at Indian Hill, with 96% of students attending full-day Kindergarten. The full-day option allows the teachers to plan for a balanced curriculum, including daily center time and outdoor play. The full-day Kindergarten students also participate in two periods of physical education, art, music, technology and library each week. 5th graders doing an art painting project In addition to teaching all of the traditional core academic subjects, Kindergarten - 3rd Grade teachers will implement a new word study program that focuses on phonics, spelling and word study. Grammar will continue to be taught in the Writer’s Workshop lessons, and the Handwriting without Tears curriculum is used in Kindergarten through 3rd grade, with cursive writing introduced in 2nd grade. Our pre-Kindergarten through 3rd grade social worker, Mrs. O’Grady, teaches Second Step lessons - a social- emotional program that fosters students’ safety and well-being - in all of the classrooms bi-weekly. Mrs. O’Grady works with the staff and the children to create a peaceful environment where the children can thrive and realize their goals - in the classroom and throughout their lives, as the staff at Indian Hill and Chippewa strive to educate the whole child. The Neighborhood Preschool at Indian Hill offers half-day and full-day sessions for three- and four-year- olds who reside in District 128. Currently, there is a waiting list for morning and full-day sessions. There are slots available in the afternoon session, which runs daily from 12:30-3 p.m. The preschool program offers a high quality, developmentally appropriate early learning environment, aligned with the Illinois Early Learning Standards. The daily schedule allows for a balance of meaningful child-selected and teacher-directed activities in a carefully arranged environment. Children are engaged in small group, large group, and individual activities that are guided by the teachers. There is also ample opportunity for students to work independently or with peers in centers designed to promote writing, creative/imaginative play, visual arts and creativity, language and literacy, math, science, technology and sensorimotor skills. For more information, please contact Indian Hill at (708) 597-1285.Preschool Screening, conducted by District early childhood staff for all children residing in District 128 during their preschool years, is an opportunity for parents of preschoolers to be sure their child’s development is typical for their age. Our next Preschool Screening date is August 22nd. Please call (708) 597-1285 to schedule an appointment. Preschoolers at play