Smoke + Mirrors //
Imagine Dragons // We
are going to be honest
when we say we love
Imagine Dragons. No lie.
Every time one of their
albums comes out we
jam to it and we expect
nothing less this time
around. Some of our
favorites include “I Bet
My Life” and “The Fall.”
Driver // In Tall Buildings
// We kind of love these
funky beats. We are a big
fan of the album’s “Unmistakable” and “Flare
Guns.” It is the perfect
background music for
your next dinner party
or for when you want
something where you can
just listen and not think
about what they are saying.
Flyaway Garden // Breakfast in Fur // “Shape” is on
all of our playlists. This is
another group who’s music
is perfect to listen to when
you have a lot of tasks to
get done and you do not
want to be distracted by
lyrics {in our case by singing lyrics out loud and
dancing around}. This album really focuses on the