District Home Magazine Fall I 2014 | Page 43

CARRIAgepROp.COM so ld ~ JOIn THe CARRIAge CLuB ~ 43 Meeting Street 69 eaSt Bay Street 49 CHurCH Street 7 tradd Street 5 tradd Street 89 Beaufain Street 34 CHurCH Street 90 eaSt Bay Street 213 Center Street 2730 BrookS Street 913 Pitt Street 28 WentWortH Street 40 Warren Street 21 LiMeHouSe 109-2H eaSt Bay Street 85-d2 Montagu Street $4,350,000 | South of Broad Charles Sullivan $2,050,000 | South of Broad Lynn Hanlin $1,590,000 | Old Village Lindsay Malanos $1,100,000 | Radcliffeborough Marty Byrd $3,690,000 | South of Broad Lindsay Malanos $1,995,000 | Harleston Village Judy Tarleton $1,495,000 | Sullivans Island Lynn Hanlin $1,099,000 | South of Broad Jane Smith Smith $2,650,000 | South of Broad Charles Sullivan $1,979,000 | South of Broad Charles Sullivan $1,295,000 | Old Village Lindsay Malanos $885,000 | South of Broad Judy Tarleton $2,295,000 | South of Broad Charles Sullivan $1,975,000 | South of Broad Justin Thomas $1,275,000 | Ansonborough Charles Sullivan $575,000 | Harleston Village Justin Thomas 19 exCHange Street | CHarLeSton SC 29401 | 843.266.8000 | CarriageProP.CoM THe fIneST ReAL eSTATe In TOwn And COunTRy | HISTORIC CHARLeSTOn, SOuTH CAROLInA