District Home Magazine April 2014 | Page 34

I n t h e p r o c e s s o f p r e pa r i n g p r o p e rt i e s f o r sale, i am frequently called upon to advise my clients regarding renovations. i always recommend approaching them with a very light hand, and certainly with the assistance of a skilled architect who knows and understands the style of the house and the era in which it was built. Preserving our architectural patrimony from every era is a paramount consideration of mine. For those of my readers who are not members of the national Trust for historic Preservation, i would heartily encourage you to support this worthy organization. The Trust has been a great source of inspiration to me and an unfailing guide in providing sound advice to my clients who are planning renovations. J o h n T. M a h s h i e Senior Vice President TTR sotheby’s international Realty ~ Georgetown Brokerage 1206 30th street, nW, Washington, DC 20007 202.271.3132 Member, Institute of Classical Architecture and Art 34 ISSU E N O. 4