District 622 Preschool Parent Handbook 2021-2022 | Page 8

If your child is ill or will be absent for any reason please call their school and leave a message . If your child rides the bus to school please notify the transportation office at 651-621-1980 or First Student at 651-777-2319 that your child will not be riding the bus that day . Keep your child at home when they have : � vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours � fever of 100 degrees or higher in the last 24 hours � signs of contagious diseases such as pink eye , impetigo � strep throat until cultures have been read and , if possible , until on medication for 24 hours � lice , until treatment is complete � chicken pox , 7 to 10 days until all scab areas are dry � signs of illness which may be passed on to other children
An allergy action plan should be completed by your child ' s primary health care provider and a copy should be provided to the health office . If your child has any allergies that school needs to know about in order to keep your child healthy , please make note of the allergy on your child ’ s emergency form and speak with your child ’ s teacher about any necessary accommodations . We will work with district nursing staff to meet your child ’ s needs .
Whenever possible , the parent or guardian should make arrangements to administer medications at home . The school nurse will be the designated staff in each building to administer medications . In the absence of the school nurse , medication may be administered by a supervisor , teacher , or other staff member trained by the Licensed School Nurse or BSN . A Request to Administer Medication form must be completed by both parent / guardian and the student ' s health care provider . For the safety of all students , medications must be brought to the school health office by parent / guardian .
Outdoor recess is an important part of the school day for children . Please make sure your child is dressed accordingly for the weather . Boots , snow pants , mittens and hats are necessary during the winter months . Students will stay inside if the temperature or wind chill is below 0 degrees or if there is the threat of severe weather .
Current COVID-19 information is available on the District 622 website at www . isd622 . org / covid-19