Distressed Magazine Issue 02 2 | Page 10


High School . It was the best of times , it was the worst of times but for me in particular , it was a set of trying times . It appears that the stigma of being “ too white ” for the black people and “ too black ” for the white people had followed me through another set of dingy public school hallways . Crazy right ? Me ? Victoria ? Considered “ too white ,” it confused me too but that ’ s another story for a different day .
So here ’ s the tea . I attended the “ most diverse ” school in the whole county statistic wise ; which broken down into everyday terms meant that it was filled with a bunch of privileged caucasians who loved black culture & dreamed of being able to say the “ N word ” in public without repercussions mixed with the straight up rednecks , book smart Asians , friendly Hispanics , and a side of melanated brothers and sisters from all different walks of life . However , in the end , everyone came together to make high school a somewhat tolerable experience without any issues …. except for when it came to Becky .
Now when I say Becky , I am not referring to the act of pleasure described in the memorable song by Plies or the alleged infamous mistress of Sean Carter but instead a certain type of individual . According to scientific research , a Becky is of the female sex , 11 times out of 10 is of the caucasian race , and is actually very commonly sighted in today ’ s society spewing ignorant comments out the side or her neck . Now back in high school , I was “ friends ” with a lot of Becky ’ s but at the time I wasn ’ t aware because to me they were simply Marcia , Jan , and Cindy . Looking back on it , I don ’ t know how I was so blindsided because the signs were all there .
Back in high school I was definitely a character . Being around me you were guaranteed to have a great time full of laughs and smiles from ear to ear . But now that I think about it ... Becky was laughing a little too hard and smiling a little too long . I ignored it , “ I ’ m just funny right ? Everyone is laughing .” Warning sign number 1 . Then came the creepy obsession , as if I belonged to her and when I say creepy ... I mean creepy . Warning sign number 2 . Then soon after came the slick remarks “ you ’ re not like other black people .” Warning sign number 3 . Then I thought to myself “ did I just become the token black friend !?” In the words of the late and great Whitney Houston “ Ah hell to the naw !!!” But what did I do ? I ignored it and pretended to be