Drone Journalism & Free Speech
Drone journalism is a scary thought to some. The right Crawling Ant Productions
to privacy is the first thing most people worry about when
Distracted Magazine is an experimental publication
it comes to news reporters operating remote aircraft, but created by Crawling Ant Productions, a web design,
do the drawbacks of drone journalism outweigh the presentation, and research business solution for
benefits? That question was asked on the Drone
individuals and small organizations. To learn more
Journalism Lab website when discussing the
about products and services provided by
airspace closure and restrictions placed
Crawling Ant Productions visit
on journalists in Ferguson, Missouri
where protestors have been
sometime in the near future. The
demanding the arrest of police officer
Crawling Ant Productions website is
Darren Wilson who gunned down 18currently under construction but
year-old Mike Brown in early
should be up at some
August. The author of the
ambiguous later date. Thanks
website article writes:
for your support!
Is drone journalism the future of news media?
“Do rules restricting the
Image by By Jürg Vollmer (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0
airspace in the interests of pilot
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via
Wikimedia Commons
safety apply if there’s no pilot to
Donations are now being taken
keep safe? Specifically in
at the Distracted Masses
Ferguson, if gunfire closed the
website. All donations help to
airspace, can a news organization choose to risk their support future production of this magazine and research in
drone getting shot by someone on the ground?
the social sciences and creative arts. Donations of $20 or
And, how much does the public’s right to know weigh more will get you the next print issue of Distracted
in here? What are the ethics here? Is there an argument for Masses. Just leave your shipping address during the
donation process. Ask about other goodies and
a journalist to violate the TFR to report on a news event
merchandise available through donation at the Distracted
that is being blocked from the public view?”
Masses website contact page. Your contributions help
independent media to thrive, while also giving artists,
Of Course There Is. Who doesn’t think otherwise? It
writers, and reporters a chance to express a unique
would be silly to think differently, but drone journalism
perspective on the discoveries and creations of our time.
probably won’t be accepted so easily anytime soon, even
Visit www.distractedmasses.weebly.com to learn more.
if the drones are quieter than the news helicopters already
in use. My guess is though that drones will be used more
About Distracted Masses
and more as time goes on, and not just by mainstream
Distracted Masses is the creation of Scott Albright,
media outlets, but by citizen journalists, hobbyists,
researcher and freelance journalist living in
emergency workers, and many many others. I believe we
Mexico. Scott’s goal is to create a fun,
should embrace the movement, but that it should be well
magazine for audiences of all ages
regulated with significant oversight procedures in place to
issues are dependent on the time
prevent misuse of these technologies. When information
contributors, so if you like what
access is denied, what other options do journalist have?
you see make a donation or contribute to the cause.
Stressed Magazine wants to hear your story.
Send poems, articles, insight, letters to the
editor, videos, photos, and anything else you
want to share with the world at http://
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Crawling Ant Productions @ 2014
• Randy Rambo
• James Houston
• Rick Albright
Crawling Ant Productions
Albuquerque, New Mexico