Notes on Combating Ecocide
1. A) The three international financial institutions created in pattern of global resource consumption and extraction. The
Bretton Woods, New Hampshire in 1944 are the World U.S. military-industrial complex accounts for 10-20% of
Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the World U.S. mineral consumption.
Trade Organization.
5. A) The multilateral agreement on investment (MAI) is the
B) The World Bank’s function is to provide basic banking creation of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
services for international business and for state owned Development that wishes to dismantle barriers to
proprieties such as lending, holding, and transferring investment all over the world in order to create a more
money. The International Monetary Fund’s basic function is open global economy.
to loan money to the governments of developing countries
so they can improve their economic and social standards. B) The defense exclusion in the MAI is the continuation of
The World Trade Organization sets international trade the protection of military spending and arms protection.
policies and pushes towards a more capitalistic freemarket system worldwide.
C) Without the defense exclusion the MAI would be more
equitable in that every legislative decision that is
C) A bunch of rich white guys created these organizations.
incompatible with the MAI would be thrown out.
2. A) Structural Adjustment Programs are plans that are
made for developing countries by the international banking
community so they can produce more capital from the
exportation of resources and other commodities that are
within these countries.
6. Geddick’s solution to ecocide is social protest. By
joining movements like Flood Wall Street or some
conservation group and attending their meetings is one
way people can participate in trying to solve the problem of
B) Globalization privatizes profits because state owned
business as well as independently owned business earns
the largest amount of money for a small amount of people.
The unfair or lack of distribution of this money creates
higher social costs (medical care, education, social
security, etc) in countries whose governments have
accepted globalization.
7. A) The new geography of conflict is the conflict that is
occurring in newly formed regions in Africa and Southwest
Asia, but conflict is not limited to these areas.
3. A) Geddicks means that a nation, which is a group of
people who have strong ethnic ties, are culturally similar,
and share the same language, are more likely to be in
conflict with a state, which is an area defined by borders
that are controlled by a sovereign government, than
another nation, and a state is less likely to be in a conflict
with another state.
C) Klare suggests that the alternative to resource wars is
the establishment of a global system of resource
conservation and collaboration.
B) Conflicts between nations and states are usually
presented to the public through the media which is usually
controlled or strongly influenced by the state. This control
factor causes nations to be misrepresented by the press.
Often times nations who are seeking independence or are
fighting for some other cause are presented as creating a
rebellion or an uprising. Words used to describe nations by
the media usually are not the preferred descriptors of the
nations themselves (guerrilla forces vs. FARC, armed
insurgents vs. martyrs, terrorists vs. Taliban).
B) These conflicts are new because of the technology that
allows for the quick transfer of resources and the
instantaneous networking of intelligence.
8. A) Leopold’s sequence of the evolution of ethics
includes the relation between individuals, the relation
between individuals and society, and the people’s relation
to land and animals.
B) Human relations with land and animals has existed from
the beginning of time and has evolved into different ethical
perspectives throughout the globe. There is not one global
perspective that all of humankind has accepted as to what
the relation between the people and the earth is but there
are many different views as to what it should be and the
combination of these views has reached the third turn in
the sequence of the evolution of ethics.
C) Leopold argues that the core change in ecological
4. The U.S. military-industrial complex extracts uranium, consciousness that is necessary to heal the cleavage
consumes the product, and then extracts more for further between conservationists is an internal change in
use. The extraction of titanium is another example of this intellectual emphasis, loyalties, affections, and convictions.