Distracted MassesVol. 1 Issue #2 Oct. 2014 | Page 32

References 1. See Jasper, William F. “Ukraine Behind the Headlines: Disinformation, Manipulation, Propaganda,” WTFRLY.com/ International News Daily, March 11, 2014 http://wtfrly.com/2014/03/11/ukraine-behind-the-headlines-disinformationmanipulation-propaganda/#.U-5sP7xdX74. Also see Wilcox, Richard. “WHO Lies Refuted: Physicians’ Group Predicts 100,000+ Fukushima Cancer Incidences/Deaths,” rense.com, March 14, 2013. http://rense.com/general95/ wholies.html. Notice that neither of these articles come from the usual mainstream so-called credible sources of information news outlets. 2. Westinghouse. Company Overview. http://www.westinghousenuclear.com/News_Room/company_overview.shtm. 3. National Threat Initiative. “Ukraine - Nuclear,” last updated June 2014. http://www.nti.org/country-profiles/ukraine/ nuclear/. 4. See Council on Foreign Relations. “Loose Nukes,” last updated January 1, 2006. http://www.cfr.org/weapons-ofmass-destruction/loose-nukes/p9549. 5. Schmid, Alex P. and Charlotte Spencer-Smith. “Illicit Radiological and Nuclear Trafficking, Smuggling and Security Incidents in the Black Sea Region since the Fall of the Iron Curtain - an Open Source Inventory,” Perspectives on Terrorism, Vol. 6, No. 2 (2012). http://www.terrorismanalysts.com/pt/index.php/pot/article/view/schmid-illicitradiological/html. 6. Nuclear Threat Initiative. “Eliminating Nuclear Materials,” NTI Nuclear Materials Security Index developed with The Economist Intelligence Unit, http://ntiindex.org/progress-challenges/eliminating-nuclear-materials/. (Note: The Economist’s assets are managed by BlackRock) 7. Ibid. 8. Press SAT Ukraine. “Security Service seized from illegal traffic in hazardous radioactive substance,” May 2014. http:// www.sbu.gov.ua/sbu/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=124766&cat_id=39574 (translated by Google Translator). 9. Energoatom. “Zaporizhzhya NPP,” 2014. http://www.energoatom.kiev.ua/en/nuclear_plants/npp_zp/info. 10. Keck, Zachary. “Russia, US Conduct Nuclear Weapon Drills,” The Diplomat, May 14, 2014. http://thediplomat.com/ 2014/05/russia-us-conduct-nuclear-weapon-drills/. Besides the helicopters being shot down, fighting had spread to the infamous Russian arms export port city of Odessa, where a petrol bomb was supposedly the cause of a large fire that killed 31 people. See Tsvetkova, Maria. “Dozens die in Odessa, rebels down Ukraine helicopters,” Reuters, May 2, 2014. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/02/us-ukraine-crisis-idUSBREA400LI20140502. 11. Ibid. 12. Gertz, Bill. “U.S. to Conduct Strategic Bomber Exercise,” Free Beacon, May 11, 2014. http://freebeacon.com/ national-security/u-s-to-conduct-strategic-bomber-exercise/. 13. Ibid. 14. Keck, Zachary. “Russia, US Conduct Nuclear Weapons Drills, The Diplomat, May 14, 2014. 15. For further reading on Russian dezinformatsiya operations see Pacepa, Ion Mihai and Rychlak, Ronald J. Disinformation, Washington D.C.: Wind Books, 2013. Of particular interest is how the new Ukrainian government is being framed as Nazis by media spin doctors, just as Pacepa claims many Catholic priests were framed as Nazis by Russian intelligence following WWII. According to Pacepa, these framings are at the heart of Russian dezinformatsiya. 16. For more see Dyer, Jay. “MH17: Malaysian Airlines False Flag Straight Out of BBC’s ‘Sherlock’,” 21st Century Wire, July 21, 2014. http://21stcenturywire.com/2014/07/21/mh17-malaysian-airlines-false-flag-scripting-straight-out-of