for this type of transparent and instantaneous sort of single cataclysmic moment, Chernobyl revealed the Soviet
situation report, however there are other options. rulers’ massive deception of the Soviet population, which
Alternatives include using low cost drones and crude gave rise to the wave of civil disorder that continues
remote flying machines armed only with video cameras.67 today.”69 Ukraine already had a nuclear disaster once.
For those who see themselves and the countries they live Political and economic instability in the region increases
in being drawn into a conflict they don’t want or need to the probability that such a disaster could happen again,
participate in, it becomes all the more important that the accident or not. To me that’s reason enough to take action,
truth be told, so that nobody else is duped into joining a but being that I am on the other side of the world and am
dangerous and unnecessary war over money, weapons, not a billionaire myself there is not much else I can do other
and resources. The people who feel this way should, in my than to write this article.
opinion, start sending toy helicopters, planes, remote
Perhaps more attention should be given to how to
control cars, and other remote objects equipped with video resolve the conflict rather than just outlining the problems,
cameras that they can send into the contested regions so but it seems to me that the problem in Ukraine is one that
as to get more views of those engaged in the hostilities in keeps repeating throughout history, and is one that we
order to provide a more accurate description of the need to be continually reminded of. Without those
situation. Equipping a remote control airplane with a reminders even less people will be interested in learning
camera that sends live video footage back via wi-fi how those problems can have a global effect. Without
connection is not undoable for even the most outlining the problem and just ignoring the situation even
technologically deprived. Those operating such devices fewer people will take to the streets to protest and place
should send them in with the expectation that they will be pressure on their oligarch leaders to put an end to the
shot down. When they are blown out of the sky the people madness. But protest is what started this whole mess you
viewing the imagery can at least have a better idea of say, so how can that help? Because protest is powerful,
where the hostilities are actually taking place and who is that’s why. Protest is what swept Yanukovych out of power
responsible for carrying out such violent acts. Without and it was protest that brought the problems of corruption
being able to place responsibility on the hostile actors it is and financial greed to the forefront. Such protest need not
impossible to take any type of effective measures against be a workers rights protest, nor an anti-Communist or antithem to prevent such future acts. It is well known that capitalist protest, but rather a pro-peace protest. It’s hard
people behave much differently when they are being to send in agents and agitators into a peaceful crowd to
observed, so let’s really start to observe those who are stir up trouble, especially if that crowd is in the millions,
carrying out the crimes in Ukraine and work towards synchronizing their activities on a global scale. And global
making those observations more of a “behavior protest in not out of line for the situation at hand.
modification” tool for changing those actors into peaceful
Gene Sharp’s How Nonviolent Struggle Works
participants rather than using it for propaganda and provides strategies and techniques for utilizing nonviolent
information warfar K