-ed. Akhmetov owns 99% of the holding company which imposed, but not enough to make much of a dent in his
belongs to the SCM Group and “holds corporate rights of fortune. These controlled conflicts and economic wars, no
all assets of the Group except for Ukraine-based SCM matter how individualized they become, do not benefit the
managing company.”61 Besides owning the Donetsk general populace, but rather just the billionaires who are
Shakhtar soccer club and SCM, Akhmetov also owns over engaged in them - they keep getting richer while the poor
a hundred other companies, including steel mills, coal and middle class keep getting poorer or are killed off in the
mines, chemical plants, power stations, banks, insurance oligarchs’ wars. For instance, Rotenberg is owner of TPS
companies, and media outlets, all together generating Aviation, a Russian aviation company that supports
$23.5 billion in revenue in 2012.62 Like Kolomoisky’s programs which produce military fighters and trainers,
Ukranaft, it’s likely that Akhmetov’s companies are not only military helicopters, military transports, military surveillance
c o m p e t i t o r s t o R u s s i a n c o m p a n i e s s u c h a s and bombers, military ordinance programs, military aviation
support, and aerospace rocket and space programs.63 As
Stroygazmontazh, but also major clients.
Stroygazmontazh is a supplier of pipelines to these products become more in demand during war time,
Gazprom and is owned by Arkady Rotenberg, a close and as export bans and financial sanctions are
advisor to Vladimir Putin and one of the first individuals to implemented, these products become more valuable,
make the U.S. sanctions list. Like Kolomoisky, Akhmetov, helping to enrich those who provide credit lines to the
and Ukraine’s second richest billionaire, Victor Pinchuk, companies making these types of products.
Ismael Hossein-zadeh, Professor Emeritus
Rotenberg is Jewish, which makes the disinformation
campaign about the conflict having something to do with a of Economics at Drake University, explains in an
Communist-Fascist ideological battle seem a bit amusing Information Clearinghouse article that Ukraine is a
at the least. However it does give some credence to the “managed” conflict, mostly among the financial elite who
conspiracy theorists ideas about the Ukraine conflict tend to benefit from a managed conflict more than they
having to do with a larger “Zionist” agenda that is would from direct military intervention, however such direct
somehow tied into the Israeli Russian Jewish population intervention is usually always left “on the table.” But,
and their activities in the Middle East. The fact that the Hossein-zadeh writes, “Even then, however, all efforts are
billionaires tied to these conflicts are Jewish is a neat little made (by the major capitalist powers) to make such military
coincidence, but hardly worth calling it a conspiracy of interventions “controlled” or “manageable”, that is, limited
Zionists. It’s clear that the interests of these billionaires is to local or national levels. While “controlled” wars tend to
mostly money, however the political and social implications safeguard the fortunes of war profiteers and military
of their power strokes can definitely be associated with a spending (mainly the military-security-industrial complex
cultural and perhaps even a moral (or non-moral) and major banks), they would not cause paralysis of
upbringing that clearly influences not only local, regional, international financial markets.”64 I agree that such limited
and global economics, but also the day-to-day lives of or controlled wars do help to keep the oligarch’s money
those who are forced to work and live in the environments safe by providing more investment opportunities at higher
created by these billionaires. So perhaps their is a bit of returns without the added risk involved with direct military
Zionism going on, but its definitely not to the extent that intervention. Just think of Halliburton and all the contracts
the world is going to give its full support to a global Jewish they received in Iraq. Now imagine the profits they would
agenda any time soon. And with people like Rotenberg, have made if they could be contracted out private
whose success is reliant upon a government which investment firms rather than having to go through the
disdains religion of all types, it is clear that religion is not military. Imagine if they didn’t have to worry about military
the immediate concern of the billionaires’ geo-political rules and conventions. Not only would they be able to work
agenda, but rat \