Distracted MassesVol. 1 Issue #2 Oct. 2014 | Page 14

how any of the privacy protection bills Congress passes are going to help if they aren’t specifically addressing EM technologies like the ones listed above. The bills should include clauses which allow for the provision of shielding materials from unwanted transmissions, information manuals about the various EM technologies and the different protective measures available, lists of companies or individuals suspected of illegally having EM technologies, as well as a list of where EM experimentations have taken and/or are taking place. So the question remains, how exactly is our privacy being protected if someone can just point a device at you and put thoughts in your head? What real protective measures is the U.S. government providing to truly ensure this protection of our mental privacy? Remember Aaron Alexis, the D.C. Naval Shipyard shooter and former information security specialist who claimed he could hear voices talking about him through walls, and that microwave transmissions were being sent to his body before going on the bloody September 16, 2013 shooting rampage? His job had everything to do with protecting information and ensuring privacy, yet nothing was in place to protect those working at the shipyard from the very person who was supposed to be providing their information protection. Nor was anything in place to protect the sanctity of Mr. Alexis’ mental privacy, if EM weapons were indeed being used on him. According to a post at the FFCHS website, Alexis was in close proximity to people in the U.S. military who had access to some of the electromagnetic technologies being discussed here, making it reasonable to think that maybe more was going on with him than just some type of mental illness, as the mainstream media proclaimed. Alexis had allegedly contacted FFCHS to explain what was going on with him before the shooting occurred. Below is a copy of the email sent to me by a member of FFCHS. I wrote an email to the president of the organization who this email was supposedly sent to in order to confirm the authenticity of it, however I have yet to receive a reply to my request. This of course begs the question of whether this email is real or not and if the information available online about EM weapons is part of a larger disinformation campaign. Never the less I think it is worth examining the alleged email to get a better idea of what type of possibilities actually exist. Subject: Need assistance on dealing with the direct energy attacks!! September 1 Hello, My name is Aaron. I am ex-navy, and have been working as a contractor for the DoD. I have recently come under attack after blowing up at Norfolk airport in Virginia. The first attack started coming when I wa ́