it poses real problems for the future of individual
liberty, free cognition, creativity, psychological
development, and a whole host of other moral,
ethical, and social issues very few people are willing
to discuss. Peter Phillips, co-author of the EM &
Human Rights report, is one person who is willing to
bring the discussion to the forefront.
I contacted Phillips through a social
networking site to see if he had any suggestions on
how one can verify claims of electromagnetic
weapons targeting and electronic transmissions to
the brain. In his reply he wrote, “WE have had many
people call regarding electromagnetic weapons. We
have yet been able to verify scientifically the facts of
the claims.” Despite not being able to verify claims,
Phillips and the co-authors of the EM Weapons &
Human Rights report do suggest that such claims are
of a real concern, especially
when it comes to thought
intrusion technologies. One
paragraph of the report is worth
repeating in it’s entirety:
email exchange with Phillips he wrote, “Secret EM
testing is unproven, there is a large body of
circumstantial evidence and personal testimonies but
nothing approaching scientific fact. So I do not have
an answer to your specific question.” In the email with
Phillips I had told him about my suspicions regarding
electromagnetic and other strange technology
research programs at Sandia Labs and Kirtland Air
Force Base near where I live. I said I was a little
intimidated to start asking questions to random
officials, but figured it would be the best way to learn
more. Phillips’ reply was, “Asking questions is very
patriotic and you should feel free to ask away in your
So ask away I did, via the Kirtland Air Force
Base website contact page. I asked why a link to a
base EM weapons & technology
fact sheet I had found while
doing previous research no
longer worked, and I asked
how I could get in to see the
technologies discussed on the
fact sheet first-hand. So far I
Freedom of thought or
have yet to receive a reply, but I
cognitive liberty is the
did find the fact sheet using a
natural human right of each
different url, which sent me to
person to be secure in their
the KAFB website. What
ability to perceive the world
exactly is this fact sheet you
to the best of their ability. To
ask? It’s a U.S. Air Force report
have true cognitive liberty in
a world as complex as ours
Microwaves.” It outlines some
would mean that first we
Artist rendering of airborne EM weapon from KAFB
of the features of the facility
must have access to truthful
being used for the microwave
and unbiased information
weapons technology research
about the actions of others
at the base of the Manzano
and the general state of the world. The Center for
Mountains, only a few miles from where I live. The
Cognitive Liberties defines this as “the right of
report reads, “This $9 million, 26,827 square-foot,
each individual to think independently and
facility provides a unique capability for the
autonomously, to use the full spectrum of his or
development of high-power microwaves, high-energy
her mind, and to engage in multiple modes of
advanced pulsed-power (including explosive
thought.” Without accurate representations we
devices), and very-high-energy plasmas. It also
cannot make independently informed choices. It is
provides a research environment for exploring a
imperative that the human body and mind be
variety of related technologies.” 9 The report
considered sacrosanct. To invade a person’s body
continues, “The facility’s remote location in the
without their consent is an egregious human rights
Manzano Mountains on Kirtland Air Force Base is
coupled with a unique construction, which is
So if electromagnetic weapons are real, and designed to withstand blasts and intense radiation
including big-energy
mind control technologies have been researched in from a variety of sources,
the past, how can we be sure they aren’t being used
One of the chief scientists involved in the
on us by say a foreign government or a rogue group
energy programs at Kirtland AFB is Dr.
of intellectuals as Dorothy theorizes? Unfortunately,
Baker. In an online version of an Air Force
the answer to that question remains unknown. In my