By: Michelle Badiadiaz
Magazines are one of the main
targets when it comes to
portraying women as sex
objects. They are used for
gossip, advertisements and
useful information or tips.
Nowadays, most magazines
sexualize women on their cover
page using women to both
represent a product and better
appeal to consumers. The reason
for this is because the media has
a great influence on everyone,
especially on young girls and
boys who are still trying to
d i s c o v e r t h e i r i d e n t i t y.
Magazines can misrepresent
gender roles and make the public
believe obscene concepts and
ideas of how they should be and
what they need to look like to be
The media has a great influence
on society. Women are perceived
to be sensible, unable to do
things, and weak. This makes it
harder for them to get a job and
become a leader because of their
“lack” of skills. As women are
portrayed as having a lack of
intelligence they are used to grab
people’s attention by making
them sex objects. Women are so
perfect in magazines, with such
amazing bodies and color that
society has begun to judge the
average women for not
resembling the ones portrayed in
since they don’t eat because they
want to be as perfect as the girls
in magazines. All girls want to
fit in, look as beautiful, and feel
as wanted as the ones that are
advertised. Another problem is
that girls are just thinking about
their appearances, taking part in
crazy cleanses and workout
regimes to be noticed by boys.
As a result, this has made
society shallow and extremely
materialistic. For men to see
women as being pretty, the
women needs to be exactly like
the ones in magazines. They
don't care about their personality
they just look at the outside not
the inside. A perfect example is
how girl in college wakes up
two hours before class and
instead of taking a bath, they
prefer to put on make up and go
to class immediately. Teenagers
don’t know the harm they are
doing to their face by putting
makeup on everyday at all times.
As media portrays girls faces
wearing make up, the girls in our
society think they need to wear
make up to look pretty as well.
However, I bet that these girls
are way prettier without makeup
because honestly nothing beats
an “au naturel” look. Girls are so
used to wearing makeup that
some do not even remove it
during a sleepover, in fear of
being judged.
A great example of the
This is a huge problem because misrepresentation of women is
young girls are suffering from shown in the deodorant ad on
all kinds of health problems t h e p r e c e d i n g p a g e . T h i s
advertisement is called “Fear of
being exposed”. To start, the
pick line of the ad tells the
public that women are afraid of
being introduced to the world.
Moreover, the first thing you
realize when looking at the ad is
the beautiful woman in the ad.
She appears to be extremely
happy, beautiful and thin. It also
shows the girl walking away,
showing her naked back. This
clearly displays the role women
play in media. As you keep
looking at the ad, you realize
another quote “fearlessness
apply daily”. This mean that as
soon as you wear this deodorant
you will be powerful and brave,
meaning that women weak and
the only way they can become
brave and gain confidence is by
wearing this deodorant. This
advertisement opens our eyes to
see how the ‘‘ideal women’’
should look like, because media
focuses more on a woman’s
appearance than anything else.