Dispatches June 2023 | Page 9

Enter our 2023 Photo Contest

GRAND PRIZE : Best Overall Photo — win a FREE O . A . T . Small Group Adventure or Small Ship Adventure for two
Judges will also select a winning photo from each of the following four categories . Winners will receive a $ 500 Travel Credit .
Local People
The best image of local people engaged in cultural traditions or everyday activities .
DO :
• Interact with the person you are photographing .
• Capture a natural moment or interaction .
• Include the details of the photo location .
DON ’ T :
• Ask the person to pose and smile for the camera .
The best image of your fellow travelers participating in local activities , interacting with locals , or engaged in the experience of being abroad with O . A . T .
DO :
• Have fun with your photo — don ’ t take it too seriously .
The best image of a natural landscape , building , monument , street , or structure that captures the essence of a place . DO :
• Pay attention to the lighting — try taking photos
DON ’ T :
early or late in the day .
• Take similar photos to others — try to capture unique angles and perspectives .
The best image of animals in their natural habitat . DO :
• Pay attention to the background .
DON ’ T :
• Crop the photo too close , unless it ’ s dramatic . We look for photos that cannot be taken at the zoo .
• Show the emotions you ’ re feeling , such as happy or reflective .
• Get involved .
DON ’ T :
• Smile and pose . We look for photos that capture the experience of traveling with O . A . T .
Upload your best travel photos from an O . A . T . Small Group Adventure or Small Ship Adventure in My Planner — or email them to us — by December 31 , 2023 , based on the categories above . Winners will be notified and featured on our website on January 16 , 2024 .

Share the Experience

We invite you to share videos , stories , and photos that celebrate your discoveries . From this magazine and our Inside Scoop e-newsletter to our website and social media , here ’ s how to keep in touch :
• Upload your videos and photos to our website : To upload your content directly to our website — and be automatically entered into our annual Photo Contest — visit www . oattravel . com / moments .
• Contribute to Dispatches magazine : Send your stories , photos , comments , and feedback to editordispatches @ oattravel . com .
• Contribute to The Inside Scoop , our e-newsletter featuring Harriet Lewis : To share your thoughts and stories with Harriet , email her at harriet @ gct . com .
• Follow us on Facebook : See posts from O . A . T . featuring our most popular videos , informative articles , traveler stories , and Trip Experience leaders — and connect with your fellow travelers — at www . facebook . com / overseasadventuretravel .
We look forward to hearing from you !