encouragement that other family members received to get out there and experience the world ! We truly have had and continue to have “ A heart for Africa ”!
Wally & Alison Chinn Parksville , British Colombia 8-time travelers
Patagonia moments
My first trip to South America with O . A . T . was in 2018 : The Wilderness Beyond : Patagonia , Tierra del Fuego & the Chilean Fjords . Our leader was Pablo Milano . We disembarked in Wulaia Bay and hiked to a scenic overlook . There was at least one other O . A . T . group and other visitors at the overlook . Pablo told us we were going to have a “ Patagonia Moment .” When he said our moment started , every single person , including the non-O . A . T . visitors , sat quietly and focused on our surroundings . No one spoke . No one took pictures . Every person focused on taking in our surroundings . We had several more of these moments on our trip . Each one was a powerful and meaningful experience for me .
When I returned to Colorado , I introduced “ Patagonia Moments ” to my hiking friends . Whenever we hike , we pause , find a quiet spot , and have our moment . My friends have passed the idea on to their family and friends . Recently I was in New York City where we went to the orchid show at the New York Botanical Gardens . Truly beautiful . I paused in front a particularly beautiful arrangement and had my “ Patagonia Moment .” You can have a quiet moment in the midst of New York City !
Jane Bodmer Grand Lake , CO 8-time traveler
Here , kitty kitty !
My wife and I and several good friends did the Kenya & Tanzania Safari : Masai Mara to the Serengeti trip and really had the most wonderful experience . Our guides were very talented and so interesting in teaching us about life there . In the Masai Mara we were so lucky when we saw the Big 5 all in our first day ! How exciting that was .
Meeting the schoolchildren and spending a day with the Maasai tribe was a great experience and something we will never forget , as well as a once-in-a-lifetime privilege to meet and talk to the Hadzabe tribe .
One of our most unusual days came when we came across a cheetah and her babies out on the plain . We were in a couple of jeeps and we parked far enough away so as not to disturb them . However , the mother was very curious about us and came over to explore . She decided to jump up on top of the jeep to say hello . I was directly under her and my friend caught this picture , which is framed as a reminder of how fascinating life is in the wild .
Thomas Noller Libertyville , IL 7-time traveler
Star meat
A number of years ago , around 2010 , my husband and I were on an O . A . T . trip to Thailand . We were there during the New Year , thus the water festivals everywhere . It was great . While riding in the countryside we stopped near some rice paddies , where many dead , skinned rats were hanging . We were assured by our guide that these were “ clean rats ” as they were in the water in the rice paddies and the water was clean . She told us they were a delicacy , and when cooked were called “ star meat .” Huh , not really my thing , but an interesting fact .
A half hour later , we stopped and boarded a small rice barge , amid being doused with buckets of water to get us all in the New Year spirit . As we sit down and get ready to eat another delicious home cooked meal , our guide announced , “ Big surprise ! Our cooks have prepared a special treat , ‘ star meat ’!” Uh-Oh ! Just as I thought , no one was willing to try it ! So , not to appear ungracious and ungrateful , another gentleman and I got up and tried it . “ Yum ,” I said . “ Delicious !” … as pictures of those poor , dead , skinned rats hanging from a pole came to mind .
Later , my husband says to me , “ I can ’ t believe you ate a rat .” I said I couldn ’ t believe he didn ’ t . Another one for my list of great trip experiences I won ’ t forget . Never forget that old adage , “ When in Rome …”
Jane Thomas Coeur d ’ Alene , ID 14-time traveler