5 A Message from Harriet Lewis
6 Correspondence
Our readers share letters , photos , and more
8 Congratulations to our 2022 Photo Contest Winners
20 Call of the Wild
Costa Rica ’ s poisonous dart frogs
21 Trailblazers
Meet Portuguese Trip Experience Leader Carolina Silva
22 Literary Adventure The Wager by David Gann
9 Share the Experience
Share your videos , stories , and photos with our community
10 Immersions
11 In the Know
Australia and New Zealand : A World Apart
24 Amazed by Antalya
Turkey ’ s seaside city full of surprises
30 Adventure Countdown Around the world in 8 museums
32 Field Notes
Why Africa is “ like paradise ”
12 Written in Stone
A two-week pilgrimage brings ancient Egypt to visitors ’ fingertips
19 Outlook on Women
Hammams , henna & holy matrimony
34 Moveable Feast
Thai green papaya salad
36 O . A . T Philanthropy
Giving back to the world we travel : scholarships for students in vietnam
37 News from O . A . T