Diseño reflexivo de problemas, Monografía Monografía de grado ESUMER | Page 122

109 The properties have a normative character making them cultural, historical and geographically independent. No matter what type of units are used in a determined environment, a property of length and volume will be always the same independent of where is the measure being taken, or who is doing it. This makes that it could be said that they are inherent to the observed object, they belong to it, they are owned by it because a standard gives such characteristics. The properties are determinable only by means of comparison processes with established patterns. The qualities, on the other hand, are not assignables to the object itself. Due to its character of subjectives and dependent of the observer, of its imagery, of his socio–cultural formation only can be assigned to the meanings, to the referents, to the mental. The qualities do not exist in the object but in the subject who observe them. Something is elegant because somebody thinks it is, not because it is –in reality– elegant. Elegant would be then, a quality of the meaning, not a quality of the object. The qualities depend of the subject who observes, and the subject can be individual or collective. The collective subjects are composed by individuals who share a common ideary, a group of significance. As long as the functions and the properties are determined by the structure and the materiality, it is in the qualities, which are conceded, where an influence on the perception of an object in semantic terms. All the semantics contained in an object is designed in the users, in the observers, and not in the object itself. They are designed by means of declarative acts in front of a collective. In reality, which is designed, is a group of significance, - the users–, which finally must coincide with the objective market of such object (product). The construction of common idearies on a determined group is the generation of a kind of pseudo–rules highly dynamic, dependent of cultural, temporary and spatial