Diseño reflexivo de problemas, Monografía Monografía de grado ESUMER | Page 113

100 expected effect, the designer is designing the user. Although this is true always – the designer is designing not only the object, but also the user–, in most cases the designer is not aware of that. Here the essential point is the responsibility the designer has in the induced change in the behavior of an individual or a group. In order to design successful products (objects) it is necessary to clearly understand how individuals (users) behave and it is also necessary to be capable of predicting how the product will modify such behavior. This is an important factor in the selection of objective markets. This paper is intended to illustrate how the complex relations that exist among four constituting elements of the so–called cultural identity influence the decisions involved on the design process. The hypothesis this research is based on are a) The nature, the men, the culture and the objects conform a closed system (cultural identity), capable of self–generation–test–regeneration–modification, that grows and evolves in an epigenic spiral. b) The cultural identities create objects whom at the same time, create and modify those cultural identities, configuring an autopoietic system. c) The human being creates objects that uses and appropriates, and those objects promote collective and individual behaviors, communities of significance. d) Design is a cultural teleological process, which follows an identifiable pattern throughout the time. The identification of such pattern permits the generation of reasoned ideas of future, harmonious with the past– present and as a conclusion, products designed with these criteria will be more easily accepted by the groups for which they were designed for. Introduction Culture is the set of psicobiological processes that permits to the man transcend the sensitive experience throughout the abstraction, which is a manifest interpretation in signs and symbols to convert the universe in a world appropriated, used and semantized. Culture is one and universal, it refers to the possibilities of (http://www.kronos.org/bitacora/04-abril-99/1517Miercoles28-4-99 Edición Tarde)