Discussion & Discovery February 2014 | Page 52



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Become a Guest Writer

At Discussion and Discovery, we love to share ideas, insights, and knowledge. That’s why we love to write and contribute to our community of artist and talented people.

What’s in it for you?

We offer you a constantly growing platform to present your ideas and share your thoughts.

You will be acknowledged as an author at the top and bottom of your article.

You are allowed to include a self-promotional link in your author profile.

You become an active and appreciated member of our community.

Write about what?

You are welcome to write just about anything, as long as you offer insightful tips related to the following topics:

exeptional people or place, design, art, beauty, music, fashion, charity' travling


There are only a few requirements we want you to consider.

Your contribution must be written in flawless English.

As long as there is a powerful essence to your piece of content, length is irrelevant for us. (Or let’s say you should keep it somewhere between 500 and 2000 words.)

We love images! Lots and lots of them! Please use images to make your story more clear and to visualize your central points.

A one-time contribution is great. Even greater would be a long-term cooperation!

How to submit

Have you decided to give it a try? Great!

Just send us an email or use the contact form below to submit your idea or draft post.

We will get back to you as fast as possible.

We are looking forward to working with you!

Your Discussion and Discovery editorial team

[email protected]

Discussion & Discovery