Discovery Place Homeschool Guide 2015-2016 School Year | Page 8
approximately 40 minutes
$5 with class or workshop
approximately 20 minutes
(IMAX only tickets available)
see website for showtimes
free with Museum admission
see website for showtimes
Great White Shark
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Explore the Great White’s place in our imaginations, in our fears and
This re-imagined tale of Jules Verne’s classic 20,000 Leagues Under The
in the reality of its role at the top of the oceanic food chain. Shot on
Sea, takes viewers on a journey with a teenager named Ned as he plunges
location in South Africa, New Zealand, Mexico and California, the film
into a world of adventure aboard the submarine Nautilus. Help Ned and
looks to find the truth behind the mythic creature. Learn to admire the
Captain Nemo rescue a tanker full of plastics from disaster and save both
strength and beauty of these animals by discovering their secret life and
their crew and the environment.
May - November 2015
June 2015 - May 2016
amazing abilities. Narrated by Bill Nighy. Rated G
Journey to Space
Opens September 19, 2015
The Lost World
Now – November 2015
When the last shuttle landed in 2011, it was actually the beginning of a
new era of human spaceflight. New mission preparations by NASA and
Fierce Raptors, flying Pterosaurs, giant Triceratops and the mighty T-Rex all
the international space community are under way to take astronauts
roam this hostile world. Join Bob and his unlikely rescuer, Professor Lizzie,
back to the moon, to asteroids and to Mars within a generation.
as they outrun these terrifying predators. Take a wild jeep ride through
Journey to Space puts the enormous contributions of the shuttle
dense tropical rainforest and soar above this forgotten island in the
program into historical context of humankind’s continuing aspiration to
flight of your life. The Lost World is a comic, fast-paced, entertaining and
explore the unknown and provides a visually stunning film developed by
immersive 3D adventure.
leading experts on exactly how astronauts will get to Mars, live there for
two years, and safely return to earth. Not Rated
Pandas: The Journey Home
Opens November 2015
Live assembly program
Pandas are a lovable, iconic and highly endangered species. Meet the
dedicated team working tirelessly to save these captivating creatures
Journey to Planet B-1: A Nutrition Adventure
from extinction. Witness Tao Tao’s journey from birth to his emotional
August 2015 – June 2016
release back into the wild. Learn about their fascinating habits, their
Length: 40 Minutes | $3 per person
dietary needs and the extraordinary lengths scientist are going to in
A distress signal arrives at Mission Control from B-1, an Earth-like planet
order to ensure the future of these adorable creatures. Rated G
newly discovered at the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy. The people and
animals of this planet are malnourished and need help. You and your
rescue team must decide which foods to bring with you and which to
The Human Body
Opens November 21, 2015
leave behind. You must also decide what to grow on their farms, the best
exercise routines and other practical ways to help restore the population
More than a science lesson, The Human Body takes viewers on an
to health. Along the way, you’ll face villains such as Sak Areen and
exhilarating personal journey of discovery. Using innovative filmmaking
Ko Les Terrol. Get ready to blast-off on a journey to Planet B-1!
techniques combined with the latest medical and scientific imaging, the
film shows the ordinary miracles that keep our bodies running.
704.372.6261 x300 l
A national foundation based in Hartford, Connecticut
that supports projects to promote wellness, health and
access to high quality health care for everyone. The views
presented here are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Aetna
Foundation, its directors, officers, or staff.
704.372.6261 x300 l