Discovering YOU Magazine September 2024 Issue Draft | Page 30


bacon, maintaining the home, and giving them a decent lifestyle, he ought to be given a pat on the back. In the meantime, his spouse is slowly dying from a lack of attention and affection.

She has the difficult task of raising the children and taking care of the home and his sexual needs. God forbid if she has a full-time job while trying to do all of this. She becomes a time bomb waiting to explode. It is no wonder that so many women who are in relationships like this are suffering from severe depression and several health issues, such as, hypertension and obesity because of emotional eating. There is something desperately wrong with this picture.

When two people come together in marriage, the emotional and physical responsibilities should be equally shared by both to maintain a healthy and loving relationship. Actually, the emotional cohesiveness is the man's responsibility. If we examine the role of the man according to the word of God, we see that

it tells him to make an effort to understand and cater to her needs. Hey, guys, that means emotional too (I Peter 3:7). There are too many households where the emotional burden is placed on the wife. She has to keep the fire lit in the marriage.

Men, love your wives and nurture her emotional needs. It is not enough just to buy her things and provide for the home. Your responsibility to the woman is far greater (Ephesians 5: 25 - 33). If you are a married man and know you have fallen short in this area, there is still time to change. If you are a single man reading this article and you feel you cannot carry the weight, do not get married. Women are like fine cars, if you take care of them, they will definitely perform and take care of you.

"It is no wonder that so many women who are in relationships like this are suffering from severe depression and several health issues, such as, hypertension and obesity because of emotional eating."

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