Discovering YOU Magazine September 2022 Issue | Page 24

Article by Vafa Shayani, M.D.,


5 Reasons Diets Fail and How to Finally Win Your Weight-Loss Battle

(BPT) - How many times in your life have you started a diet? If you're one of the 45 million Americans who try to diet each year, you will not be surprised to learn that most people only stick with a diet for 6 months or less, and then the weight returns. In fact, two out of five people on a diet quit in the first seven days. Here are five reasons why diets fail, making long-term weight loss success so challenging without a more effective solution:

* Diets work against the way your body naturally functions. They deprive you of food and create hunger or a feeling of starvation. When dieting, your body responds by slowing down many of its normal functions (metabolism) to conserve energy, making weight loss difficult.

* Dieting and what you eat are not the only considerations for sustained weight loss. Sleep, physical activity, emotional