Discovering YOU Magazine September 2022 Issue | Page 31


The Airstream Factory FREE Tour is held every Monday through Friday beginning at 2 PM in the lobby of the Service Center, off of exit 102. (This FREE guided tour books up fast, so reserve your date and time online!) Now, if cars and Airstreams don't do it for you, then maybe the Bicycle Museum of America is more your speed. You'll see hundreds of different kinds of bikes, including a handcrafted solid wood bike inspired by Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi, and you will see classic Schwinns straight out of your childhood, all on three floors. They are located in New Bremen with only a $3.00 or less admission charge, off of exit 102.

While we're on the subject of bikes, our next stop is Dayton, the hometown of two bike makers-turned-flight pioneers, the Wright brothers. You can visit the Victorian building that onced housed

Inside the Airstream FREE Factory Tour

Bicycle Museum of America (very large place inside)

National Museum of the United States Air Force (in all hangers)

While we're on the subject of bikes, our next stop is Dayton, the hometown of two bike makers-turned-flight pioneers, the Wright brothers. You can visit the Victorian building that once housed their storefront. Or go further into aviation history at the FREE National Museum of the United States Air Force, which can be an all-day attraction with so much to see, off of exit 58. I’ve been to this city and it has many FREE attractions like the Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, off of exit 53.

Now, over in the city of Wetherington is EnterTRAINment Junction. Unlike any indoor family entertainment center on the planet!

EnterTRAINment Junction (The kids will love this place)