Discovering YOU Magazine September 2017 | Page 21


Specialist Rochelle Morton, Damel in Defense

Damsel in Defense

Won't Leave You Defenseless!

Damsel in Defense has a mission to equip, empower and educate women in protecting themselves and their families with defense aids from ingeniously disguised pepper sprays, stun guns, and a variety of defense tools and bags with easily assessable compartments. Rochelle Morton is a certified project manager and personal protection entrepreneur with Damsel in Defense.

Angela Hammon is part of

Nspire which produces

amazing, high- quality

products using cutting--edge technology,while remaining committed to providing life changing opportunities to all of their partners and customers and demonstrates the highest levels of integrity and character.

Cherish is their signature product and there are other life changing products that are also available to be purchased by this wonderful company.

NSpire Network Introduces "Cherish" to Help You Love the Way You Feel!

A Member of the "Now We NO" Team: Angela Hammon