Discovering YOU Magazine PREMIERE 2016 ISSUE #1 | Page 25

We live in a world where for the most part people are so dissatisfied and they are dissatisfied because they are not pursuing their passion. They have no idea why they are taking up space on this earth; therefore, they live non-productive lives which impacts every aspect of their lives. You may say to yourself---I do not know what my passion is. The answer may be right within reach. What would you be willing to do that you enjoy very much doing even if you did not get paid? Don’t panic! I am not telling you to pursue something that doesn’t pay you, I am simply saying that you love it so much that payment is not the reason you do it. I am a firm believer that if you do what you thoroughly enjoy or have a passion for---the money will come; it’s inevitable. Think about it. If you take a few minutes out of your life just to ponder on that question, I believe the answer will come.

Purpose in your heart that you will not spend another day chasing a paycheck or being unfulfilled. Everyone has a purpose that is embedded in you by God. He wants you to be fulfilled and realizing your potential by walking in your purpose. He desires that everyone has a passion----that one true thing that persuades you to have hope even when everything appears to be hopeless. It is the joy that comes in the morning even when a lot of weeping may have taken place the night before. That urge to keep going no matter what---PASSION!! Everyone can experience passion, but you have to believe that it is within your reach. No one should spend their days feeling useless, but everyone should realize that life is the journey that takes you to a well expected end (Jeremiah 29:11), and passion is the process to get you there. I challenge you today. Let that passion rise up out of you and begin to live your best life now. Dare to dream and pursue God’s best for your life.


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