Discovering YOU Magazine November 2019 Issue | Page 48


Listen to "What a Wonderful Name It Is" and "Power in the Name of Jesus" by Hillsong as you read

Pastor Nissley's wonderful article.

"Come and be uplifted, inspired, and transformed by the POWER of God at New Hope Assembly

of God"

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1. We are all sinners-Rom. 3:23. As a result of our sin, Rom. 8:7 says, “the carnal mind is enmity against God”. Further:

2. We all need forgiveness since the wages of our sin leads to death and Hell-Rom. 6:23. The only way to change direction in life and destination for eternity is to confess Jesus is the Son of God (Matt. 3:17), Sacrifice for Sin (Rom. 10:9), Only Source of Salvation (John 14:6).

May you be inspired by the story of Dr. Victor Frankl who was imprisoned by the Nazis during World War II because he was a Jew. His wife, children, and parents were all killed in the Holocaust. At one point, the prison guards cut his wedding band off his finger. Frankl said to himself, "You can take away my wife and children, you can strip me of my clothes and my freedom, but there is one thing no person can ever take away from me-and that is my freedom to choose how I will react to what happens to me." That is the secret to successfully surviving the prison experiences of life. Submit unforgiveness and pain to God and Receive His power and forgiveness this Thanksgiving!

PRAY: “Lord, I invite you into my life to overcome those people and events that have hurt me. Today I want to be released of that pain, so I choose to put this hurt in your hands. Give me eyes to see this hurt and the offender from your perspective. Forgive me of all I have done and give me your inner healing along with a heart to forgive. This Thanksgiving help me to

praise my way through to victory as you work your will in my life and show me how to be the loving Christian you have called me to be. I claim victory through your blood and the word of my testimony. In the Power Name of Jesus! Amen.”